
The Flag Renderer example addresses a typical graphical need that can be answered with an SDM renderer. The need is to set a decoration on a node that will always be visible, for example, if the state of a model object changes and it needs to catch the user’s attention. The renderer must display a flag on the node such that the flag remains visible even if the object is hidden by another graphic object.
The source code of the Flag renderer example is supplied in the <installdir>/jviews-diagrammer89/codefragments/renderer directory and described in this section.
The following figure shows an example of a flag on a node, as it would be displayed by the Flag renderer.
of a flag displayed by the Flag renderer. The flag text, “ALARM
HERE” is displayed above the node marked Root. The Root node
has links to the nodes marked Left and Right.
An example of a flag displayed by the Flag renderer