Controlling extra effects

The extra effects available for a link are:


The wave effect is very effective for representing a wireless connection. The wave specification consists of two numbers: the wave amplitude and its period, in pixels. The property type is a String where two integers separated by “/” represent, respectively, amplitude and period. The effect renders best with straight lines but remains compatible with any shape.
The wave effect can also be mixed with dashes, border, arrow, and so on.
showing a link with a purple fill color, rounded ends, and a solid
black border. The link has a wave form, with an amplitude of 20 pixels
and a period of 30 pixels, giving it the appearance of a short coil
or spring.
The wave effect for a link with a border
Basic link properties and the wave property
link {
        lineWidth   : 10 ; 
        endCap      : CAP_ROUND ; 
        lineJoin    : JOIN_ROUND ; 
        foreground  : 238,174,238 ; 
        borderWidth : 2 ; 
} { 
        visible : false ; 
} { 
        borderWidth : 2 ; 
        wave        : 20/30 ; 

link.bottom { 
        visible : false ; 


You can animate a link with dashes (see the lineStyle property) or alternate colors (see the alternateColor property). The animation consists of incrementing the lineStylePhase value at regular intervals, so that the pattern is shifted at each animation frame. The current implementation updates the pattern every 500 ms.
The animateSpeed property controls animation of the link and how much the phase is incremented. If the value is 0, the animation is stopped. Otherwise, the value must be between 0f and 1f, and represents a fraction of dash pattern length. For example, 0.1 means that ten frames pass before you see the first frame again. Note that 0.9 represents the same increment but in the backward direction.


IlvGeneralLink inherits from IlvLinkImage, and keeps its zoom behavior. In particular, the maximumLineWidth property sets the maximum size of the line. Also, the link is zoomable only if one edge node is zoomable. Note that the link border thickness does not zoom. The border line style and the link line style follow the zoom level of the link.

Neon effect and road effect

MODE_NEON is a minor mode which is a variation of MODE_GRADIENT. It displays the link with transparent colors, giving a glowing effect (this works best with larger links and with darker backgrounds). The border is automatically disabled in this mode. An example of using Neon mode is to mark link selection, as shown in the top link in figureThe wave effect for a link with a border. (The second link shows the same link when it is not selected.)
Previous examples already demonstrated some of the many possibilities that the link appearance offers. By combining some of the properties, you can achieve some fancy effects, such as the “road” link in figure The wave effect for a link with a border, where the large border is the same gray color as the link foreground, and the white alternateColor looks like the middle line of a road.
showing three vertically-aligned links. The top link is set to the
neon mode, giving it a glowing appearance. Except for the neon mode,
it has the same properties as the middle link. The middle link has
a pink fill color, a solid black border, and round joins and ends.
The black border does not display in the top link because it is disabled
by the neon mode. The bottom link is curved with alternating white
and dark gray fill colors.
The neon effect
Selected (neon) and not selected links, and a road link
link {
        lineWidth  : 10 ; 
        lineJoin   : JOIN_ROUND ; 
        endCap     : CAP_ROUND ; 
        foreground : 255,181,197 ; 
} { 
        mode      : MODE_NEON ; 
        lineWidth : 20 ; 
} {
        borderWidth : 1 ; 

link.bottom { 
        mode           : MODE_UNICOLOR;
        endCap         : CAP_BUTT ; 
        lineWidth      : 15 ; 
        foreground     : darkGray ; 
        lineStyle      : 20,10;
        lineStylePhase : 5 ; 
        alternateColor : white ; 
        borderWidth    : 12 ; 
        borderUpColor  : darkGray ; 
        curved         : 0.65 ; 