Controlling the node’s label

You can make use of the following features for a label on a node:

Label string

The label property controls the string displayed by the node’s label.
You can set the label to the empty string ("") if you do not want to display any label on the node.

Multiline label

A label can have several lines. To define a multiline label, simply put new line (‘\n’) characters in the value of the label property to separate the lines.
The alignment of multiline labels is controlled by the property labelAlignment, which can take the values Left (left-aligned), Center (centered), or Right (right-aligned).
The spacing between the lines of multiline labels is controlled by the property lineSpacing.

Label position

The labelPosition property controls the placement of the label relative to the shape. This property can take the values defined by the interface IlvDirection. For example, setting labelPosition to Top places the label above the shape. Center places the label inside the shape. The default position is Bottom..
The spacing between the shape and the label is controlled by the property labelSpacing.


If the labelMode property is set to WORD_WRAP, the label is automatically cut into several lines to fit into the width of the shape.
You can choose the characters where a break due to word wrapping is allowed by setting wordWrapChars. In autowrap mode, the new line characters contained in the label are ignored.
The property labelMargin controls the margin to leave between the border of the shape and the label when word wrapping is active:
  • If the label is inside the shape, the label is kept narrower than the shape by two times the margin.
  • If the label is outside the shape, the label is allowed to be wider than the shape by two times the margin.


If the labelMode property is set to TRUNCATE, the label is automatically truncated to fit into the width of the shape. This is different from autowrap mode: the label is not cut into several lines, but simply truncated, and the truncated label always has a single line.
The property labelMargin controls the margin to leave between the border of the shape and the (truncated) label, as in WORD_WRAP mode.
The end of the label is replaced by the string "..." (You can change this suffix using the method setTruncatedLabelSuffix.


If the labelZoomable property is set to "true", the label grows when the view is zoomed in and shrinks when the view is zoomed out. If the labelZoomable property is set to "false", the label size stays constant.
You can choose to make the label invisible when the view is zoomed in or out past a certain zoom level. The property minLabelZoom specifies the minimum zoom level past which the label will no longer be visible when zooming out. The property maxLabelZoom specifies the maximum zoom level past which the label will no longer be visible when zooming in.
The labelScaleFactor lets you apply a scale factor to the label.

Label font, color, and antialiasing

The properties labelFont and labelColor control the font and color of the label.
The property labelAntialiasing determines whether the label should be drawn using antialiasing or not.