
Instead of, or as well as, using the high-level JViews Diagrammer API, you can make use of the lower-level API of JViews Framework.
A lower-level approach is appropriate only if you need to access low-level features directly or to create objects as subclasses of existing ones. In general, you should not need to use lower-level JavaBeans™ for GUI components or interactors; instead you are recommended to use the supplied JViews Diagrammer JavaBeans, see JViews Diagrammer classes available as beans in Using the Designer.
This section points you to the documentation available on each of the following lower-level features:
  • Basic graphic objects (rectangles, arcs, ellipses, and so on)
  • Managers and their layers, for storing graphic objects and determining the display priority (which objects appear in front of others)
  • Graphers, for organizing graphic objects into graphs of nodes and links
  • Composite graphics, for building more complex graphical representations than those available with basic graphic objects
If you would like to read an introduction to JViews Framework in general or make use of a tutorial, see Introducing Rogue Wave JViews Framework in The Essential JViews Framework and Getting started with JViews Framework in The Essential JViews Framework respectively.
More advanced lower-level features, such as nested managers and graphers, and link shapes and crossings, are described in Advanced features of JViews Framework.