
It is possible to deploy graphic components created with JViews Diagrammer as Eclipse™ or RCP (Eclipse Rich Client Platform) plug-ins. As with the thin client approach, graphical contents, styling, and connections to data sources can be reused under Eclipse. The main challenge is to integrate graphical panels and manage interactions with the Eclipse framework. Since Eclipse 3.0, making Swing-based code work within an Eclipse application is possible with the SWT-AWT bridge. Located in the org.eclipse.swt.awt package, this bridge offers a very simple interface between Eclipse and Swing widgets. Once a Swing container has been created inside an SWT widget, all AWT/Java 2D™ primitives can be invoked. Note that this bridge only works with JDK 1.5 and higher. In the samples directory, you will find examples of such integration. The source code is provided, so you can make the integration package evolve with your own requirements.
JViews Diagrammer also provides its own bridge, IlvSwingControl, to display diagrams and dashboards inside Eclipse or RCP. For details, see Using JViews products in Eclipse RCP applications.