Customizing the user interface components

You can customize all the JViews Diagrammer user interface components through the style sheet. To enable styling of the user interface components, set the IlvDiagrammer property styleApplicationComponents to true.
The following code example shows how to customize a tree, a property sheet, and a table.
Customizing user interface components
Diagrammer {
  styleApplicationComponents : "true"; // enable styling of 
                                          // components.
DiagrammerTree {
  rootLabel : "My Graph"; // set label of root item in tree
node:DiagrammerTree {
  text : "@name"; // use "name" property as label of items in tree
node:DiagrammerPropertySheet:type {
  editable : "false"; // set "type"  property for all nodes read-only
node.activity:DiagrammerTable {
  background : "yellow"; // set yellow background for "activity" nodes 
                            // in table 