The Diagrammer class

The diagram component is represented by the IlvDiagrammer class, which is in the main Rogue Wave® JViews Diagrammer package, ilog.views.diagrammer, see figure The IlvDiagrammer class relationships.
consists of three connected subdrawings: the Overview (and its associated
menu, tool bar, and property sheet), the IlvDiagrammer block, and
the Project block.  The IlvDiagrammer block includes the View, the
Grapher, and the SDM engine, represented as large rectangular shapes.
The View and the Overview are connected to the Grapher by dashed lines.
The content of the Overview is a reflection of the content visible
in the Grapher, but it has a segment highlighted by a dashed rectangle,
which is the same as the segment visible in the View. The full image
in the Grapher and the Overview block has four nodes represented as
open circles and connected in a ring by links with a double orthogonal
bend. Two of these nodes have smaller circles attached to them without
any links. The image in the View is just the bottom section of the
ring, consisting of two of the nodes, connected to each other by a
link with orthogonal bends. Smaller rectangular shapes in the IlvDiagrammer
block represent the interactors and a horizontally-aligned grouping
with the labels Graph Layout, Maps, and Composite Graphics. One-way
arrows point to the Grapher or its contents from each member of this
grouping. The Grapher has a one-way arrow connecting it to the interactors.
These are connected, in turn, to the SDM engine. The SDM engine has
an arrow pointing back to the Grapher and a bidirectional arrow connecting
it to the smaller Graph Layout rectangle. It also has bidirectional
arrows to the Data Source and Style Sheet components in the Project
The diagram component
The IlvDiagrammer class is a façade that gives easy access to the following underlying facilities:
  • The SDM (Stylable Data Mapper) engine in the package ilog.views.sdm, which transforms your application data into graphic objects on your screen, based on styling information contained in one or more style sheets.
  • A project, which gives access to the first style sheet and the data source for loading your data.
  • A grapher, which is a low-level object whose role is to manage the nodes and the links and arrange them as a graph.
  • An SDM View (also in the SDM package), which displays the resulting diagram on the screen.
  • The Composite Graphics package ilog.views.graphic.composite, which lets you define complex graphic objects from basic elements like shapes, text, and icons.
  • The Application package ilog.views.diagrammer.application, which contains Swing objects such as actions and toolbars that make it very easy to build a complete Swing GUI around a diagram component. A prebuilt application is also available in the Application package.
UML diagram
showing the class relationships of IlvDiagrammer. The diagram shows
IlvDiagrammer to be an aggregate of IlvSDMView view instances. A dashed
line with an open arrow indicates that IlvDiagrammer depends on the
IlvSDMEngine class, an association that carries the access stereotype.
A solid line with an open arrow connects IlvDiagrammer to the IlvDiagrammerProject
class, which, in turn, has the same type of line pointing to IlvDiagrammerDataSource.
The latter is the base class for IlvXMLDataSource and IlvJDBCDataSource,
denoted by the filled triangular arrowhead pointing to IlvDiagrammerDataSource.
Solid lines with open arrows point from IlvSDMEngine to IlvGrapher
and to IlvSDMModel, which has the interface stereotype. IlvSDMView
extends IlvManagerView, and has a solid line with an open arrow pointing
to IlvSDMEngine.
The IlvDiagrammer class relationships