Using link connectors

The grapher provides a way to specify the contact points you need on a graphic object. This is done by using link connectors, which are subclasses of the class IlvLinkConnector,
The class IlvLinkConnectoris dedicated to the computation of the connection points of links. Subclasses of this abstract class can be used to obtain contact points other than the default ones. An IlvLinkConnector is associated with a node. The implementation of the method getConnectionPoint decides where the connection point of a link (provided as an argument) should be located.
An instance of IlvLinkConnector can be specified for each node of a grapher. To do this, simply create it using the constructor IlvLinkConnector or use the method attach. Notice that the same instance of link connector cannot be shared by several nodes.
A link connector specified for a node controls the connection points of all the links incident to this node. If you need the connection points of the incident links not to all be computed in the same way (that is, by the same link connector), you can specify a link connector individually for each extremity of each link. To do this, simply create it using the constructor
 IlvLinkConnector(ilog.views.IlvLinkImage, boolean)  
or use the method
 attach(IlvLinkImage, boolean, boolean) . 
Notice that the same link connector can be shared by several links incident to the same node.
To get the instance of link connector actually used to compute the contact point of a given link, use the static method Get.