Showing and hiding grapher branches

You can turn on or off the visibility of the nodes and links that compose a branch of a grapher. Use the method:
IlvGrapher.setVisibleBranch(IlvGraphic node, boolean visible,
                            boolean origin) 
If the argument origin is true, the method will show or hide the branch that has the node as its origin; that is, all nodes and links reachable by a traversal from the origins to the destinations. The visibility of the node from which the traversal starts is never changed.
If the argument origin is false, the method will show or hide the branch that has the node as its destination; that is, all nodes and links reachable by a traversal from the destinations to the origins. The visibility of the node from which the traversal starts is never changed.
In addition, the following method allows you to specify how many levels away from the start node that nodes and links should start to be shown or hidden:
IlvGrapher.setVisibleBranch(IlvGraphic node, int level,
                            boolean visible, boolean origin) 
If the level is 0, this method is equivalent to the first method without the level argument.
If the level is 1, the visibility is kept unchanged for the links incident to the starting node and for the nodes adjacent to these links.
If the level is 2, the visibility is kept unchanged for the links incident to the starting node, the nodes adjacent to these links, the links incident to these later nodes, the nodes adjacent to these later links, and so on.
The change of visibility is performed using the method setVisible.