The manager view grid

Most editors provide a snapping grid that forces the objects to be located at specified locations. The coordinates where the user can move the objects are called grid points. The class IlvGrid provides this functionality.
An instance of the class IlvGrid can be installed on each manager view. The view provides methods to set or retrieve the grid:
public void setGrid(IlvGrid grid)    
public IlvGrid getGrid()    
The following code installs a grid on a view with a vertical and horizontal grid point spacing of 10. The last two parameters are set to true to specify that the grid is visible and active:
mgrview.setGrid(new IlvGrid(, new IlvPoint(), 10f, 10f, true, true));
When a grid is installed on a view, the standard Rogue Wave JViews editing interactors, such as those for creating, moving, or editing an object, snap objects to the grid automatically.
These operations are not performed by the manager, but by the interactor itself. If you want to implement this mechanism in a new interactor you create, use the following method of the IlvManagerView class in the code of your new interactor:
public final void snapToGrid(IlvPoint point)    
This method moves the IlvPoint argument to the closest point on the grid if a grid is installed and active. Otherwise, it does nothing.