Installing Rogue Wave JViews beans in an IDE

The main classes of the JViews Framework fully comply with the JavaBeans standard. This allows you to create a Rogue Wave® JViews application from the visual programming environment of your favorite Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
To be able to use the JViews Framework beans, you must first install the beans into your IDE. The beans are located in <installdir> /jviews-framework89/lib/jviews-framework-all.jar.
To install JViews Framework JavaBeans refer to your IDE documentation. In most cases, the IDE simply allows you to import a .jar file and finds the JavaBeans located in this .jar file automatically.
Other beans are available for the Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer, Rogue Wave JViews Maps, Rogue Wave JViews Gantt and Rogue Wave JViews Charts products. These beans are not covered in this document. To learn more about them, read the section about JavaBeans in the documentation of your Rogue Wave JViews product.
In most IDEs, when you import JAR files, you must make sure that all classes referred to by those beans are also imported. For example, this may mean referring to JViews Framework JARs when you import Rogue Wave JViews Maps beans.
Some IDEs may refuse to import Rogue Wave JViews beans because they are running earlier JDK versions than the one JViews requires. In this case, you may need a newer version of your IDE.