Adding charts

To add a chart to a dashboard, use the predefined charts palette. This palette includes bar charts, area charts, pie charts, polyline charts, scatter charts, bubble charts, and variants of all these chart types.
The charts palette is available only when you have Rogue Wave® JViews Charts installed. If you do not have  JViews Charts installed, chart symbols that you add to a dashboard are displayed as a text error message.
The chart symbols contained in the charts palette have names that indicate the type of input data required. For example:
  • The Polyline3 symbol represents three series of y values. Each series is given as an array of double values.
  • The PolylineXY symbol represents a series of (x,y) points. The x and y values are given as separate arrays of double values.
Each series of y values or of (x,y) points can be accompanied with a list of labels. This list is specified as an array of String objects.
When you create and deploy an application that uses the charts palette, the main  JViews Charts JAR file, jviews-chart.jar, must be added to the CLASSPATH. If this is not done, Dashboard Editor cannot display the chart symbols.
In  JViews Diagrammer, the charts palette is available in Dashboard Editor only. It is not supported in the Symbol Editor nor in the Designer. You can use the predefined chart symbols in Dashboard Editor, however, you cannot create new chart symbols.