Using Expression Assist

The Expression Assist is a utility feature that provides a quick way to enter expressions in the Expression text field by opening a scrollable list of available options.
Following are a few tips on how to use the Expression Assist:
  • You can use the mouse or the keyboard to navigate and select a line in the list of options. Click or press Enter to insert the selected expression into the text field.
  • The list of options opens when the cursor is placed at a location where expression completion makes sense, for example, after a separator.
  • The proposed expression options are syntactically correct, but might not be semantically correct.
  • The list of expression options displays the expression options followed by a short description of the options.
  1. Create a new diagram by clicking File > New.
  2. In the diagram window, click one of the blue boxes.
  3. In the Styling Customizer, at the right of the name field, type +.
    The Expression Assist displays the list of expression options. First in line are the model attributes, followed by the variables, then the functions.