Mapping the database

The Mapping page allows you to specify the mapping of the database columns to graphic properties for nodes and for links.
Only mapped properties will be part of the data model.
Properties that are mandatory must be mapped; if they are not mapped, you cannot move forward in the wizard.
Optional properties do not have to be mapped, but if they are not mapped, they will not be in the final data model.
Properties that are not mapped to node data and require to be mapped appear with the following status required
mapping in the list of properties, and the same status appears on the Nodes tab.
Optional properties that are not mapped to node data appear with status optional
mapping in the list of properties.
To define the mapping for nodes:
  • In the Nodes tab, click the property id, then click the column City.
    After the id is mapped, the preview shows the nodes separately, see the following figure.
    The mapping for nodes
To define the mapping for links in the Links tab:
  1. Click the property from, then click the column City1.
  2. Click the property to, then click the column City2.
    After the from and to nodes are mapped, the preview shows the nodes and links, see the following figure.
    The mapping for links
Some commonly required properties are available in the list (such as x and y). If you need to, you can add further properties.
To map extra properties:
  1. Click the add property button to add a property.
  2. With the new property selected, map it by selecting a column.
You can remove unwanted properties.
To remove the mapping of a property:
  1. Select the property in the list.
  2. Click the clear
mapping button.
To remove a property:
  1. Select the property in the list.
  2. Click the remove
property button.
When you have the correct mapping for both nodes and links and have saved it, click Next.