Creating rules for population ranges

You are going to identify the cities with a different graphic representation according to three specific population ranges.
You need to define three style rules to specify the three conditions on population:
  1. Select the node rule and click Edit > Create Style Rule.
    1. In the Conditions page, define the condition population exists and not null.
    2. Click Finish.
    3. With the new population exists and not null rule selected, click the Parameters tab in the Styling Customizer, and type the following path in the image field: file:./data/examples/lightBulb.gif.
    4. Press Enter.
  2. With the population exists and not null rule selected, click Edit > Create Style Rule.
    1. In the Conditions page, click + and define another condition: population is less than 100000.
    2. Click Finish.
    3. Rename the rule to population<100000.
    4. With the new population<100000 rule selected, in the Styling Customizer, type the following path in the image field: file:./data/examples/Little.gif.
    5. Press Enter.
  3. Select the population exists and not null rule and create the third style rule:
    1. Click Edit > Create Style Rule.
    2. Click + and define the condition population is greater than 1000000.
    3. Click Finish.
    4. Rename the style rule to population>1000000.
    5. With the new population>1000000 rule selected, type the following path in the image field: file:./data/examples/biga.gif.
    6. Press Enter.
The result is shown in the following figure.
The use of images in the Arizona example