Mapping node data

Properties that are not mapped to node data and require to be mapped appear with the following status required
mapping in the list of properties, and the same status appears on the Nodes tab. This is the case for the id property. You must map it to a column because its values should uniquely identify the rows.
Additional properties that are not mapped to node data appear with status optional
mapping in the list of properties.
To map the id property to the City column:
  1. Click the id property.
  2. Click the City column.
    You can map other properties as required.
In this example, you have georeferenced data, so you need to use the latitude and longitude columns to position the nodes. These columns are mapped automatically because of their names. The preferred format for latitude and longitude is DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds). For example: 32D43’31”N. If the latitude and longitude columns contain only numbers, the values are interpreted as degrees. For example: latitude 12.56 is interpreted as 12.56 degrees, which equals 12D33’36”N (in DMS).
To map several properties to the same column:
  • Map both the id property and the name property to the City column.
To add properties and map them to columns:
  1. Click the add property button.
  2. Type the property name population.
  3. Map this new property to the Population column.
The result is shown in the following figure. Note that with City mapped to name, the name appears on the nodes in the preview.
Mapping node data to properties
To remove the mapping of a property:
  1. Select the property in the list.
  2. Click the clear
mapping button.