Create Style Rule wizard

The Create Style Rule wizard simplifies the definition of data rules which can include attribute conditions.
To open the Create Style Rule wizard, choose Edit>Create Style Rule or right-click a rule and choose Create Style Rule in the pop-up menu.
Whenever you create (or change) a style rule, a Welcome page displays. If you do not want to see it open each time, clear the box Show Welcome page at the lower left of the page. Following the Welcome page, the Conditions page displays, where you can define the conditions of the rule. See the following figure:
The Conditions page

Node and link rules

In the Conditions page, the style rule name will be automatically computed from the conditions that you define in the pane below. You can however customize this name by clearing the Generated Name option and typing your preferred name in the text field. Another option is to rename a rule in the Style Rules tree: right-click the rule and select Rename in the pop-up menu. Please note that you can at any time switch back to the generated name by checking the Generated Name box.


You can define conditions for user-defined types, states, and attributes:
  • User-defined type: the object subtype to which the rule will apply, according to the types defined in your data model.
  • State: the runtime state to which the rule will apply: selected, expanded, collapsed, in the legend, or level of detail (high, medium, or low). Expanded, and collapsed can only apply to nodes.
  • Attribute: the name of an attribute of the object in your data model, for which a specific value is tested.
You can set a more or less restrictive rule by adding more or less conditions. The plus sign (+) allows you to add a condition. The minus sign (-) removes the corresponding condition. The more conditions a rule has, the more it is specific and the higher its priority.
An attribute condition tests one or more attributes against a value. If you select an attribute, you must then set a condition on its value by selecting an operator from the second drop-down list and entering a value. You can set several attribute conditions.
The operator drop-down list reflects the type of the attribute: integer, real or string. For integer or real attributes, the operator menu offers equals, does not equal, greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to. For string attributes, the operator menu offers equals, does not equal, contains. You can also simply test the presence of an attribute in the data model (exists and not null).

Viewing the data model in the style rule wizards

The Create Style Rule Wizard and the Change Style Rule Wizard both display a table view of the data model in the Nodes and Links tabs of the Conditions page. The tables show the property names and the current value for each property, on separate tabs for nodes and links.
A table view of the data model in a style rule wizard
When you create or change rules in one of these wizards, you can view the data properties and values that you can use to set conditions by selecting the Nodes or Links tabs.