Controlling interactions using CSS functions

The CSS functions stateInteractor() and numericInteractor() allow you to handle symbol interactions in a finer way.
These functions have two optional parameters. The first parameter is the name of a model attribute that will hold the interaction values both in read and write modes. The second parameter is the initial value, in case the model attribute does not yet exist.
If the first parameter is not specified, then an internal variable is used (actually a property of the graphic object). This can be useful if you do not want the model to be affected by interactions.
These functions are able to call an ActionListener when interaction is performed. To do so, use addActionListener() on the function itself. See addActionListener.
In the Parameter tab, set the following values to the interactor parameter (like push_state):
  • numericInteractor(test, 40): interaction value for a dial or a slider, of type numeric, that modifies the model attribute test and defaults to 40 if the model has no value defined for test.
  • numericInteractor(, 80): interaction value for a dial or a slider, of type numeric, that does not affect the model and defaults to 80.
  • stateInteractor(state): interaction value for a button, of type string, that modifies the model attribute state. The default value is given by state.