Palette management

To display the list of all the palettes used in the diagram, with their location, click Symbols > Manage palettes.
You can perform the following actions:
  • Load new palettes
  • Close existing palettes (only if they are not used)
  • Preview a symbol when you select it
  • View a report (details) about a palette or a symbol

Palette lookup

The palettes must be added to the classpath of the application before deployment. However, the Designer requires extra information to correctly manage the symbol customizers. For external palettes, this information is retrieved only if the Designer knows the absolute path of the palettes. In this case, the palettes do not need to be in the Designer classpath.
During a Designer session, an external palette is loaded directly from the Assign Symbol dialog box, through a file selector. The absolute file path of the palette is then known and saved in the style sheet when the project is saved. If the project is loaded in another session, make sure the external palette path has not changed, otherwise the Designer has trouble working out the symbols and a warning message may be displayed.
To ease development, a fallback rule tries to load missing palettes from the project directory (the directory containing the .idpr file).
Please note that, as the Designer environment is very particular, the external palettes must be in the classpath of all deployed applications.