
The Options section of the Style Rules pane allows you to enable or disable various facilities at the level of the diagram as a whole. Each diagram you work on has its own style sheet and therefore its own options.
There are options for the following aspects of the diagram:
  • Background
    The Background option allows you to display a color, a pattern, or a graphic in the background of your diagram.
  • Background Map
    The Background Map option allows you to add a background map and to position objects in a georeferenced way (with latitude and longitude). For an example, see Using background maps. For full details of map styling, see The Map renderer in Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK.
  • Blinking
    The Blinking option allows you to add blinking to the symbols that make use of this feature. You can define the blinking period. For full details of blinking styling, see The Blinking renderer in Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK.
  • Graph Layout
    The Graph Layout option handles the relative positioning of the data objects in the diagram. See also Graph and link layouts. For an example, see Using the Graph Layout Wizard. For full details of graph layout styling, see The GraphLayout renderer in Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK.
  • Info Balloons
    Info Balloons are text elements attached to a node or link but displayed only when the object is clicked. For full details of Info Balloon styling, see The InfoBalloon renderer in Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK.
  • Legend
    The Legend option activates an optional legend displayed by default at the lower left of the diagram. The legend provides an explanatory function and a filtering function. For an example, see Adding and customizing a legend. For full details of legend styling, see The Legend renderer in Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK.
  • Label Layout
    The Label Layout option allows you to place the labels of the nodes and links so that they do not overlap with the nodes and links.
  • Link Layout
    The Link Layout option handles the positioning of links to avoid them overlapping with one another or with nodes. For full details of link layout styling, see The LinkLayout renderer in Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK.
  • Subgraphs
    The Subgraphs option allows you to expand a node by clicking the handle in the corner to display subnodes within it. This option is compatible with XML data only. For full details of subgraph styling, see The SubGraph renderer in Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK.
  • Zoom Thresholds
    Zoom thresholds prevent the node size from becoming too small or too large when you zoom. They are generally most useful when you have a background map because the map size and the node sizes may be very different.
There is a Styling Customizer for each of these facilities to set the styling properties. The Styling Customizer appears in the lower pane of the Designer when you select the option in the Style rules pane.