Setting base text direction in map components

Text data objects

Set base text direction for all text data objects associated with the Text layer Text Description:
  1. Access the base text direction setting: from the Options menu choose Show Advanced Properties.
    Base Text Direction is an advanced property that is not displayed by default.
menu with Show Advanced Properties not selected. Therefore Style Setting
is limited and does not include Base Text Direction.
    Style setting before selecting Show Advanced Properties
style properties after selecting Show Advanced Properties.
    Base Text Direction style
  2. Select Map layers and Text Description (Text).
  3. For Base Text Direction, select Right to left.
to left base text direction selected for Hebrew text data objects.
    Righ to left selected for Text Description (Text)

Labels of data objects

Set base text direction for all data object labels associated with the text layer Labels for: Named Location.
  1. In Map Layers select Labels and Labels for: Named Location.
  2. Select the advanced property Base Text Direction and set it to Right to left.
    See Text data objects for how to access this advanced property if it is not displayed.
to left base text direction for Hebrew labels in named location text
    Labels of named location set to right to left

Labels of annotations

Set base text direction for all annotation labels for point annotation layers:
  1. In Map Layers select Point Annotation and Labels for Point Annotation.
  2. Select the advanced property Base Text Direction and set it to Right to left.
    See Text data objects for how to access this advanced property if it is not displayed.
setting point annotation labels to right to left base text direction.
    Point annotaion labels set to right to left

Grid text

Set base text direction for all grid labels associated with Grid layers:
  1. In Map Layers select Grid.
  2. Select the advanced property Base Text Direction and set it to Right to left.
    See Text data objects for how to access this advanced property if it is not displayed.
grid with some Hebrew grid labels in the Map window; Grid selected
in the Map Layers pane; Base Text Direction is Right To Left.
    Grid labels set to right to left