Importing a nongeoreferenced image file

If the data source is a nongeoreferenced image file (.gif, .tif, .jpg, .jpeg), there are specific options that you can set.
The following figure shows the options available when importing a nongeoreferenced image file.
Data Sources pane for a nongeoreferenced image file
Select Data Sources pane for a Nongeoreferenced Image file
  1. Choose File>Add Map Data to display the Select Data Sources pane.
  2. In the top part of the pane click the gray rectangle to preview the image and use the toolbar to pan, zoom in/out, and fit the image to the view.
  3. By default the Image Calibration pane is displayed in bounds mode. In bounds mode you can set the latitude and longitude of the image manually. Click the row and enter the coordinates. You can also click the rectcoord.png button to interactively select the boundaries.
  4. To switch to control point mode, click the pixelbutton.png button. This adds two columns: Pixel Column and Pixel Line. In this mode you can set the position of the image manually using the pixel properties or the latitude\longitude properties. In addition, you can drag the red crosses to the point you want; this automatically sets the property values in the Image Calibration pane. The red cross associated with a selected row is contained in a rectangle.
  5. Click the addpixel.png button to add another row and another red cross in the Image pane.
  6. Click the pixelbutton.png button again to return to bounds mode.
  7. To remove a row from the Image Calibration pane, select the row and click the delete_button.png button.
  8. Since this is a nongeoreferenced data source, you must state the coordinate system in which the data source is defined in the Projection pane. The coordinate system in which you finally project the data source can be a different system and should be defined in the Coordinate System pane, see Setting coordinate systems.
  9. Click Open.