Importing an ESRI/Shape file

If the data source is an ESRI/Shape (.shp) file, there are additional options that you can use.
The following figure shows both the Advanced and Select Projection options selected.
data sources pane for ESRI/Shape file
Select data sources pane for ESRI/Shape file
  1. Choose File>Add Map Data to display the Select Data Sources pane.
  2. Select Use Tiling, if you want to have an additional index file (.idx) managing the shape file using a load on demand algorithm. If the index file does not exist, the Create index file pane asks you if you want to create a new one.
  3. To create a new index file, click Yes to display the Tiling parameters pane and enter the parameters you want.
    The following figure shows the Tiling parameters pane.
parameters pane
    Tiling parameters pane
  4. If you want to set projection parameters, see Setting coordinate systems.
  5. If your shape file has an associated dbf (database) file and thus contains metadata, you can use this to filter so that you load only a subset of the file content. To do this, select the Filter tab, select the Activate Filter check box and define your filter by selecting items from the drop-down lists.
    The following figure shows the definition of a filter which will only load San Francisco streets which have ZIP codes greater than “92000”.
definition to load only a subset of the shape file content
    Filter definition to load only a subset of the shape file content
  6. Click Open.