The pop-up menu

Right-click to display a pop-up menu in the Map View.
The following table shows menu entries provided in the pop-up menu.
The pop-up menu
Menu Entry
Selects the topmost element at the pop-up menu location. This is useful when the Select interactor is not active. This menu entry is not active when there is no element (or a non selectable element) at the pop-up menu location or the object is already selected
Edit Data
Shows a data sheet used to allow the user to change the data values. As soon as this option is activated, the original data source will no longer be used: all computations will be based on the existing graphic object coordinates and data values.
Delete selected object(s)
Remove the selected objects from the map. This menu is unavailable if no object is selected. As soon as this option is activated, the original data source will no longer be used: all computations will be based on the remaining graphic object coordinates.
Zoom to Layer
Zooms to the selected layer. This menu entry is not active if there is no layer selected in the Map Layer pane.
Center View on Selection
Centers the Map View on the center of the current selection bounding box (represented by four points). This menu entry is not active if there is no element selected in the Map View.
Zoom to Selection
Zooms the view to the area that contains the current selection. This button is not active if there is no element selected in the Map View.
Closes the pop-up menu.