Data sources

Data sources can be of several types. Some data sources provide only a simple map backdrop, while others can provide details down to street level, describe water facilities, transport facilities, and so on. Normally, one data source is equivalent to one map data file or one database query. However, when reading multiresolution maps such as CADRG, there is one data source per resolution.
Note that CADRG data is available on the maps data DVD supplied with the installers for JViews Maps
The Data Sources pane (if this tab is not visible see Additional views) provides a list of all the data sources currently imported into the Map Builder and their corresponding properties. Typically the properties define the coordinate system applied to the data source and the name of the file in which the data is held. The complete set of properties in the list depends on the type of data source selected.
You can select a data source in the list, change its properties at any time, or remove it from the list.
The following figure shows an example of the Data Sources pane.
Sources pane
Data Sources pane
For information about how to use the Data Sources pane, see Using the Data Sources pane and for information about how to import a data source, see Importing a simple data source.