Adding data to a particular city

Zooming in on LA

  • Click the zoomrect.png button, and zoom in twice on Los Angeles.

Adding LA house information

  1. Choose File>Add Map Data to open the file browser, select the GeoTIFF format, and then select the drive where you downloaded and saved your data. For example, select the data source LA_Houses.tif, and then choose Open.
  2. Click the zoomrect.png button, and zoom in on Los Angeles.
    The following figure shows the resulting Map View pane.
    Los Angeles and its secondary routes
  3. Drag and drop the GeoTIFF layer to the bottom of the Map Layers pane, open the hierarchy, and click the LA_Houses.tif data source to select it.
  4. Click the zoomtolayer.png button to zoom the whole LA_Houses.tif layer into the Map View pane.
  5. Click the defbldr_continuouszoom.png button, and rotate the mouse wheel backwards to zoom into the part of LA_Houses.tif that is of interest. Now zoom in or out using the zoom in\out slider in the Overview pane, until the houses are displayed at the scale you want.
    The following figure shows the resulting Map View pane.
    The data source LA_Houses

Adding LA street information

  1. Drag and drop the VMAP layer to the bottom of the Map Layers pane.
  2. Choose File>Add Map Data to open the file browser, select the ESRI/Shape format, and then select the drive where you downloaded and saved your data. For example, select the data source LA_Streets.shp and then choose Open.
  3. Drag and drop the ESRI/Shape layer to the bottom of the Map Layers pane and select LA_Streets.shp to display the corresponding Map Data Style Sheet.
  4. Select the Line Color property and set the Line Color value to white using the Color Editor displayed.
    The following figure shows the resulting Map View pane.
    The data source LA_Streets
  5. Choose Option>Show Tooltips on the Map to enable the display of tooltips when you move the mouse pointer over the map.
  6. Click the zoomrect.png button, and zoom in on the part of the LA_Houses.tif and LA_Streets.shp data sources that are of interest to you.
    The following figure shows the resulting Map View pane.
    LA_Streets and LA_Houses