Features of the printing framework

The generic printing framework is designed and implemented to meet the printing needs of Rogue Wave® JViews packages but you can also use it to make other printing applications. Based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, the printing framework consists of the following features:
  • The framework provides a set of classes that you can use to create a printable document. You can use the built-in document class and page class to easily create the document you want to print.
  • The printing framework provides user interface components, such as preview frame and toolbar, that allow you to preview the document you have created. It also provides customizable dialog boxes for setting page properties such as paper size, orientation, header and footers.
  • The printing controller is a high-level class that manages the document to print and the preview frame. You can use it to invoke the Print dialog box, or the Page Setup dialog box, to preview the document, and to send the document to the selected printer.
The process for printing multiple pages is as follows:
  1. Create and fill an IlvPrintableDocument object by using the document model classes.
  2. Create an IlvPrintingController object for the IlvPrintableDocument object you created. Then you can call its methods to preview and print the IlvPrintableDocument.