Collapsed grapher and intergraph links

When a grapher is collapsed, the graphic objects that it contains are no longer visible on the screen. The nodes that are the destination and origin of an intergraph link are not visible on the screen, and thus such intergraph links cannot visually point to their end nodes. These intergraph links will instead point to the collapsed representation of the grapher on the screen.
The following figures show an example of intergraph links to a grapher when it is expanded and then when it is collapsed.
Intergraph links to an expanded Grapher
Intergraph links to a collapsed grapher
Although the links point visually to the collapsed representation of the manager once the manager is collapsed, the real origin and destination of the links do not change. The methods getFrom and getTo of the link ( IlvLinkImage) still return the same object. Only the graphical representation changes. The link visually points to the first expanded parent manager.
You could consider that the methods getFrom and getTo of the link return the real end nodes of the link. The nodes that appear visually as end nodes on the screen can also be obtained by using the methods getVisibleFrom and getVisibleTo of the link. If there are no collapsed managers, the visible end nodes and the real end nodes are always the same
For a given node, all links that have the node as visible end node can be obtained by the methods:
IlvGrapher.getLinksVisibleFrom(IlvGraphic node)
IlvGrapher.getLinksVisibleTo(IlvGraphic node)
The links that have it as real end node are obtained by the methods:
IlvGrapher.getLinksFrom(IlvGraphic node)
IlvGrapher.getLinksTo(IlvGraphic node)
In Intergraph links to a collapsed grapher, two links have the visible destination node pay for supplies, but their real destination node is the inner node of pay for supplies, which is not visible in Intergraph links to a collapsed grapher, but can be seen in Intergraph links to an expanded Grapher.
If a manager is collapsed, the position of the connection point of the link is determined by the link connector installed on the collapsed manager and not by the ones installed on the real end nodes.