Working with graphic objects in nested managers

The API you use to manipulate graphic objects stored in a nested manager is the same as the one you use when working on a top-level manager. For example, you use the moveObject or reshapeObject method of the IlvManager class to move or reshape an object in a nested manager. You also use the applyToObject method of IlvManager when modifying a property of a graphic object that changes the bounding box of a graphic object. The only difference for a nested manager is that when a graphic object is stored in a nested manager, changing its size or moving it can change the size of the manager itself, proceeding recursively up the hierarchy of the manager.
The IlvManager class provides some convenient methods for working with graphic objects in nested managers; these methods have a traverse parameter that when set to true means that the method applies also to nested managers in this manager.
You can access all the objects in the hierarchy of managers using the following methods with the traverse parameter set to true:
  • To return the total number of objects in the hierarchy use the method:
    int getCardinal(boolean traverse)  
  • To return an enumeration of all objects use the method:
    IlvGraphicEnumeration getObjects(boolean traverse)  
  • You can locate an object under a certain point using:
    IlvGraphic getObject(IlvPoint p, IlvManagerView view, boolean traverse)  
  • Finally, you traverse the hierarchy of objects to apply a function:
    void map(IlvApplyObject f, Object arg, boolean traverse)  
    This method applies the function f to all objects of the hierarchy when the traverse parameter is set to true.
    void mapIntersects(IlvApplyObject f, Object arg,IlvRect rect, IlvTransformer 
    t, boolean traverse)  
    This method applies the function to all graphic objects that intersects the specified rectangle in the hierarchy of nested managers.
    void mapInside(IlvApplyObject f, Object arg, IlvRect rect, IlvTransformer t, 
    boolean traverse)  
    This method applies the function to all graphic objects that are inside the specified rectangle in the hierarchy of the nested manager.
Some methods allow you to deal with selection and deselection of objects in a hierarchy of nested managers. This is explained in Selection in nested managers.