Optimizing the addition of nested managers

It is possible to add submanagers to a manager in two different ways:
This first approach requires multiple recalculations of the bounds of the parent manager while filling the submanager. Adding an object to the submanager might not only change the bounds of the submanager but also the bounds of all its ancestor managers.
  1. Add the submanager to its parent manager.
  2. Fill the submanager
The second approach avoids changing the bounds of all its ancestor managers and is always faster. Generally, it is faster to add a subobject to a manager after all the customizations of the subobject are completed.
  1. Fill the submanager.
  2. Add it to its parent manager.
However, it is not always possible to control the order in which objects are added to managers. In this case, insertion adjusting sessions help:
try {
    ... add nested managers and nodes recursively in any order ..
} finally {
This ensures that the performance is optimal even when submanagers and their contents are added in the wrong order. It ensures that the bounding boxes of the manager and its all submanagers are only recalculated when setting the insertion adjusting flag to false. Events related to the change of the bounds of the managers are also delayed until this time.
The insertion adjusting flag needs only to be set at the top level manager, and it will be automatically propagated to all existing and newly created submanagers. The insertion adjusting flag affects only the performance when objects are added. It has no effect when objects are removed.