Creating the JViews Maps JSF application project

To create your JViews Maps JSF application project
  1. Click File>New>Dynamic Web Project.
New Project window displaying Dynamic Web Project selected.
  2. Enter jsf-hello-maps as the Project name and select JavaServer Faces v1.1 Project as the Configuration.
New Dynamic Web Project window showing example project name and configuration
fields completed.
  3. Click Next three times consecutively to obtain the following window:
New Dynamic Web Project window with check boxes and *.jsp URL Mapping
Pattern selected.
  4. Select the JViews Framework, JViews Diagrammer, and JViews Maps check boxes (or the user library names of your choice).
    Select *.jsp* from the URL Mapping Patterns and click Remove, as this pattern might cause problems.
    Click Finish.
  5. If necessary, switch to a Java perspective (you can ignore any Eclipse prompts requesting you to switch to the Java EE perspective) by selecting Windows>Open Perspective>Other…>Java and then click OK.