ICEfaces software in JViews

ICEfaces binary files provided with JViews

ICEfaces binary files are included in the JViews distribution so that the integration code samples can run out-of-the-box. ICEfaces jar files can be found under <framework-install-dir>/lib/external. However, the full ICEfaces distribution is not included.
To get a complete or more updated distribution, you can get ICEfaces source code at

Known ICEfaces issues

Issues may exist when using ICEfaces components with JViews JSF components.
ICEfaces is not able to parse the JViews JSF component <jvf:view> in JSPā„¢ mode probably because it confuses this tag with <f:view> although they are in different namespaces. A workaround has been found. See the Graphic Framework example and the iview.tld file in the sample installed in <install-dir> /jviews-diagrammer89/codefragments/jsf-diagrammer-ice.