About this documentation set

Rogue Wave® JViews Maps for Defense comes with online documentation in HTML, which may be accessed through standard HTML browsers.
The documentation covers the development of maps through the GUI and with the Java™ API.
There is a separate reference manual on using JavaScript™ for deploying an application as a thin client.

What you need to know

The documentation for developing with the SDK is written for Java developers. It assumes that you can write Java code and that you are familiar with your Java development environment. You must be able to manipulate files and directories, use a text editor, and compile and run Java programs and applets.

Notation conventions

The following naming conventions apply to the API:
  • The names of classes defined in the Rogue Wave JViews library begin with Ilv, for example IlvGraphic.
  • The names of classes are written as concatenated words with each initial letter capitalized.
    For example: class IlvManagerServlet;
In the user's documentation, the following typographic conventions apply:
  • Code extracts and file names appear in Courier font.
  • Important terms are defined in the glossary and links to the definitions are provided as appropriate in text.
  • Menu commands are written as Menu>Command, for example, File>Open.
The placeholder directory <installdir> designates the directory in which you installed JViews Maps for Defense . The default name provided by the installer is C:/Program Files/Rogue Wave.
Note that the product directory name, which is jviews-maps-defense89, is fixed.

Data used in this documentation

For demonstration purposes, this product makes use of:
  • Repackaged TIGER/Line® Shapefiles from the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • Repackaged data from the National Atlas of the United States of America.
  • Repackaged Vector Map (VMap) Level 0 data from the National Imagery and Mapping Agency's (NIMA)
  • DTED® Level 0 elevation data from NGA.
The use of DTED Level 0 does not indicate endorsement or approval of those products by either the Secretary of Defense, the former Defense Mapping Agency, or the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Pursuant to the United States Code, 10 U.S.C. 445, the name of the Defense Mapping Agency, the initials "DMA," the seal of the Defense Mapping Agency, the name of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, the initials "NIMA," the seal of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, or any colorable imitation thereof shall not be used to imply approval, endorsement, or authorization of a product without prior written permission from the U.S. Secretary of Defense."
  • Data from The National Map Seamless Server ("Data available from U.S. Geological Survey, EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD.")
  • Data from NASA’s Earth Observatory
For a list of suggested free sources for downloading map data, see Map data