Tips for using multiple interactors

You can make some interactors work together at the same time.
The following example shows how to make a pan interactor, a highlight interactor, and a tooltip interactor work together:
   <jvf:highlightInteractor id="highlightInteractor"/>
   <jvf:tooltipInteractor id="tooltipInteractor"/>
   <jvf:panInteractor id="panInteractor" />
   <jv:interactorGroup id="panHighlightTooltip" interactors="panInteractor highlightInteractor tooltipInteractor"/>
   <jvdf:diagrammerView id="viewID" interactorId=" panHighlightTooltip " />
You cannot combine certain interactors in this way, because some interactors expect and consume the same event. You can try to change the order of the interactors in the group in order to avoid conflicts. However, this technique has its limitations. You might arrive at a situation where you cannot place some sets of interactors in the same group because of conflicts.