Adding intergraph hyperedges

Since the intergraph hyperedge has sources and targets in different hypergraphs, the question arises in which hypergraph the hyperedge is stored. As for intergraph links, an intergraph hyperedge must be stored in the first common ancestor of all its end nodes.
Intergraph hyperedge in a hierarchy of hypergraphs
In the above figure, the red intergraph hyperedge that connects the objects of A and B must be stored in hypergraph C, the first common ancestor of A and B.
The IlvHyperGrapher class provides a static utility method that allows you to determine the first common hypergraph:
static IlvHyperGrapher getLowestCommonHyperGrapher(IlvHyperEdge edge)
The following code example shows how to create an intergraph hyperedge.
Creating an intergraph hyperedge
IlvHyperEdge edge = new IlvHyperEdge(fromNodes, toNodes);
IlvHyperGrapher common = IlvHyperGrapher.getLowestCommonHyperGrapher(edge);
common.addHyperEdge(edge, false);
The static utility method IlvHyperGrapher.addInterGraphHyperEdge allows you to add the edge directly to the common parent hypergraph. Therefore, this code example can be shortened as follows:
Short code for creating an intergraph hyperedge
IlvHyperEdge edge = new IlvHyperEdge(fromNodes, toNodes);
IlvHyperGrapher.addInterGraphHyperEdge(edge, false);