Hyperedge pin connectors

The subclass IlvHyperEdgeConnector allows hyperedges to connect to pins at the node. (See the following figure.) Optionally, the pins can be visible. Thus, the pin connector is a visible connector, that is, isGraphic returns true. The pin connector contains a set of pins.
Pin connector
A pin is implemented by the class IlvHyperGrapherPin or its subclasses. Before a pin can be used, it must be added to the corresponding pin connector. The API of IlvHyperEdgePinConnector includes the methods listed in the following table.
Methods of IlvHyperEdgePinConnector
Adds the pin to the hyperedge pin connector. If the redraw flag is true and the pin is visible, it will be redrawn.
Removes the pin from the hyperedge pin connector. If the redraw flag is true and the pin was visible, the area of the pin will be redrawn.
Returns all pins of the hyperedge pin connector.
Returns the number of pins in the hyperedge pin connector.
Returns the closest pin that is suitable for the hyperedge end at the input point p.
Connects the hyperedge end to the input pin. The pin must belong to the hyperedge pin connector. The connector must be attached to a node and the hyperedge end must point to this node.
The class IlvHyperGrapherPin is a concrete class that is ready to use. It displays a pin as a small rectangle at the border of the node.
You can also create subclasses of IlvHyperGrapherPin . You can specify whether it is possible to connect only one or several hyperedge ends to the same pin. You can restrict even more tightly which hyperedge ends can connect to a pin by overriding the method allow.
The API of IlvHyperGrapherPin includes the methods listed in.
Methods of IlvHyperGrapherPin
Returns the hyperedge ends that are currently connected to the pin.
Tests whether the input hyperedge end is connected to this pin.
Returns whether the hyperedge end is allowed to be connect to the pin.
Returns the position of the pin in transformed view coordinates.
Sets the position of the pin in transformed view coordinates.
Sets whether the pin is currently selected. A selected pin is drawn in a different color from unselected pins. Usually, pins get selected during interactions that manipulate pins.
Sets whether the pin is movable interactively. Interactors check whether pins are movable before calling setPosition on the pin.
Sets whether multiple hyperedge ends can be connected to the same pin. If false is passed, a different pin must be used for each hyperedge end.
The position of the pin is the position where the pin is drawn. It is the center point of the pin, since pins can have a size.
To create a pin, use the constructor:
IlvHyperGrapherPin(IlvPoint proportionalLocation,
                   IlvPoint absoluteLocation,
                   float size,
                   int direction)
The position of the pin is specified by a proportional part and by an absolute part. The proportional part is a position relative to the bounding box of the node. If the proportional location is (0,0), it will be the upper left corner of the node. If the proportional location is (1,1), it will be the lower right of the node. The real position is calculated in the following way:
pin.position = node.position + proportionalLocation * node.size + absoluteLocation
Hyperedges can connect to the pin position (the center point of the pin). Since pins have a size, it is sometimes useful to connect the hyperedges to a different point. If the pin is on the left side of the node, it is better to connect the hyperedge to the left side of the pin. If the pin is on the right side of the node, it is better to connect the hyperedge to the right side of the pin.
This behavior can be controlled by a direction parameter passed to the constructor of the pin. If you pass the direction 0, the pin will decide heuristically which is the best point of the pin to connect a hyperedge to.