Nonzoomable graphic objects as nodes

A graphic object is said to be zoomable if its bounding box follows the zoom level. Otherwise, the object is nonzoomable. (To know whether a graphic object is zoomable, use its boolean zoomable() method, or check its documentation.)
If all the nodes and links of an IlvGrapher object are zoomable graphic objects, a layout obtained on the basis of the graph geometry in manager coordinates will look the same for any value of the transformer used for the display. Simply speaking, the drawing of the graph will just be zoomed, or translated.
When at least one nonzoomable graphic object is used as a node in an IlvGrapher , the geometry of the grapher in manager coordinates can no longer be used. When drawn with different transformer values (for instance, at different zoom levels), the same IlvGrapher can look very different.
When a grapher contains nonzoomable graphic objects, it may not be appropriate to deal with the geometry of the IlvGrapher based on the bounding boxes of the graph objects systematically computed for an identity transformer (manager coordinates). To ensure that the drawing of the laid-out graph is always correct, even when nonzoomable graphic objects are present, the transformer used for the display must be considered.