Using the class IlvGrapherAdapter

The IlvGrapherAdapter class is a concrete subclass of IlvGraphModel that allows an IlvGrapher to be laid out using the layout algorithms provided in Rogue Wave®  JViews Diagrammer. It provides an implementation for all the abstract methods of IlvGraphModel. It also provides an overridden implementation of some nonabstract methods of IlvGraphModel to improve efficiency by taking advantage of the characteristics of the IlvGrapher.
If an application uses the IlvGrapher class, the grapher can be attached directly to the layout instance without explicitly using the adapter, see the method attach. In this case, an IlvGrapherAdapter is created internally by the layout class. The adapter can be retrieved using the method getGraphModel, which will return an instance of IlvGrapherAdapter .
Notice that such an internally created adapter is not allowed to be attached to any other layout instance, nor to be used in any way once the method detach IlvGraphLayout.detach() has been called on the layout instance.
In case you need to be able to do any of the above operations, directly create the instance of IlvGrapherAdapter and attach it using attach).
To know whether a specific IlvGraphModel instance has been created using attach), you can use the method getOriginatingLayout. This method returns a non- null object if the model has not been created using IlvGraphLayout.attach(IlvGrapher) .
Additionally, the IlvGrapherAdapter class provides a way to filter the IlvGrapher . By using the filtering mechanism, you specify a particular set of nodes and links that have to be taken into account by the layout algorithm, see Using filtering to lay out a part of an IlvGrapher.
The IlvGrapherAdapter class allows you to specify the order of nodes returned by the methods getNodes IlvGrapherAdapter.getNodes() and getNodesAndLinks. For this purpose you can provide your own implementation of a java.util.Comparator that defines the order of the nodes. Then specify this comparator by using the method setNodeComparator.
The IlvGrapherAdapter class also allows you to specify the IlvTransformer that has to be used for computing the geometry of the graph, see Choosing the layout coordinate space.
For details on how to write your own adapter, see Laying out a non-JViews grapher.