Using named properties to save layout parameters

Graph Layout offers the facility to convert graph layout parameters into named properties of IlvGrapher. The same facility is available to convert label layout parameters into named properties of the IlvManager . Named properties can be stored in .ivl files.
The following method indicates whether a label layout class supports this mechanism:
It returns true if the layout class can transfer the parameter settings to named properties.

Saving layout parameters to .ivl files

The following example shows how to save an IlvManager instance, including all label layout parameter settings, to an .ivl file.
IlvDefaultLabelingModel labelingModel =
// transfer the layout parameters to named properties
if (labelLayout.supportsSaveParametersToNamedProperties())
    labelingModel.saveParametersToNamedProperties(labelLayout, false);
// save the attached manager with the named layout properties to file
// remove the named layout properties because they are no longer needed
The mechanism is the same as in the graph layout module. See Saving layout parameters to .ivl files.

Loading layout parameters from .ivl files

The following example shows how to load and recover the parameters of the label layout when the layout settings are stored in an .ivl file:
// Read the IVL file. This reads all named properties as well."abcd.ivl");
IlvDefaultLabelingModel labelingModel =
// Transfer the parameter settings from the named properties to the layout.
// At this time point, the manager must be attached to the label layout
// just to be sure that no named layout properties remain in the memory
The mechanism is the same as in the graph layout Module. See Loading layout parameters from .ivl files.