Reference transformer for labeling

The reference transformer is the transformer that is currently being used for the display of the IlvManager object. The IlvDefaultLabelingModel might have to compute the geometry of the manager for this transformer.

How a reference transformer is used

The mechanism by which the reference view and reference transformer are used is similar to that of the IlvGrapherAdapter class in graph layout. For details, see Reference transformer for grapher and Reference views.
The reference transformer is used only if the coordinates mode is IlvLabelLayout.VIEW_COORDINATES or IlvLabelLayout.INVERSE_VIEW_COORDINATES . If you change the reference transformer, the layout is no longer up-to-date. A subsequent layout is necessary. Hence, changing the zoom level of the reference view also renders the layout out-of-date.

Reference views

To specify the reference view, use the method:
void setReferenceView(IlvManagerView view)  
If no reference view is explicitly specified, the first manager view is used.
The default labeling model needs to know the transformer of the reference view or an explicitly specified reference transformer.

Specifying a reference transformer

To specify the reference transformer explicitly use the method:
void setReferenceTransformer(IlvTransformer transformer)