Filtering manager layers

Graphic objects within an IlvManagerLayer instance can be managed by layers. Rogue Wave® JViews Diagrammer allows you to specify that only the labels and obstacles belonging to certain layers must be taken into account when performing the layout. Use the following methods of the IlvDefaultLabelingModel class:
void addLayer(IlvManagerLayer layer)  
boolean removeLayer(IlvManagerLayer layer)  
boolean removeAllLayers()  
To get an enumeration of the manager layers to be taken into account during the layout, use the method:
Enumeration getLayers()  
To determine whether a manager layer belongs to the layers to be taken into account during layout, use the method:
boolean isLayerAdded(IlvManagerLayer layer)  
If no layers have been specified or all the specified layers have been removed, all layers in the manager a re used. In this case, the getLayers method returns null and isLayerAdded returns false for any layer.