
  • The Annealing Label Layout algorithm, as a randomized iterative heuristic, does not guarantee that labels are placed without overlaps whenever possible. However, it produces a high quality layout with a high probability of minimum overlap. The more iterations, the higher the probability of high quality.
  • The algorithm is not able to create free space for labels by moving obstacles around. It is recommended that you perform a graph layout algorithm with large spacing parameters to create the necessary free space before placing the labels.
  • While the algorithm is able to place labels at straight and polyline graphics, it is not able to place labels precisely at smooth curves such as spline graphics ( IlvSpline ) or spline links ( IlvSplineLinkImage, IlvOneSplineLinkImage, IlvDoubleSplineLinkImage). It is also not able to place the label correctly on IlvGeneralLink, if the curved option of IlvGeneralLink is used.