Performing a recursive layout on nested subgraphs

The examples and explanations above assume that you work with a flat manager. Rogue Wave® JViews Diagrammer allows you to nest a grapher as a node into another grapher. You can create a hierarchy of nested graphers (see the following figure); see also Nested graphers in Advanced Features of JViews Framework ).
You can apply a recursive graph layout to the nested grapher hierarchy by calling:
graphLayout.performLayout(true, true, true);
However, it usually makes no sense to apply a label layout alone to nested graphers. When labels are placed in a subgrapher, this will likely change the bounds of the subgrapher; hence the node positions in its parent grapher will no longer be up-to-date and a new graph layout will be necessary.
It makes sense to apply a label layout in combination with another graph layout to nested graphers.
  1. First, the graph layout is applied to arrange the nodes and links nicely.
  2. Then the label layout is applied to position the labels according to the node and link positions.
  3. When this is finished for all subgraphers, then it can be done for the parent grapher.
To perform a graph layout and a label layout together, you can use the Multiple Layout class. This is a subclass of IlvGraphLayout that allows combining graph layouts with a label layout. The following sample shows how to apply a Tree Layout and an Annealing Label Layout in combination on a subgrapher.
IlvTreeLayout treeLayout = new IlvTreeLayout();
IlvAnnealingLabelLayout labelLayout = new IlvAnnealingLabelLayout();
IlvGraphLayout multipleLayout = new IlvMultipleLayout(treeLayout, 
// Now set the parameters for tree layout and label layout ...
// Finally, perform a recursive layout that handles tree layout and label
// layout together
try {
    multipleLayout.performLayout(true, true, true);
} catch (IlvGraphLayoutException e) {
Thus, the label layout does not provide a separate mechanism for a recursive layout on submanagers. By incorporating the label layout into a multiple graph layout, you can use all the graph layout facilities that are available for nested graphs (see also Nested layouts).
A graph
with subgraphs, showing label layout
Nested subgraphers with labels