Specific parameters

Multiple Layout does not provide any specific layout parameters. However, you can set the generic and specific layout parameters of the sublayouts individually. For example, you can construct a Multiple Layout instance from two graph layouts. Even though the Multiple Layout does not support setting fixed nodes on itself, you can fix nodes for the sublayouts individually by applying setFixed to the sublayout instances if the sublayouts support this feature.
IlvMultipleLayout multipleLayout =
        new IlvMultipleLayout(layout1, layout2, null);
if (layout1.supportsPreserveFixedNodes()) {
        layout1.setFixed(node1, true);
if (layout2.supportsPreserveFixedNodes()) {
        layout2.setFixed(node2, true);
try {
        // perform a multiple layout: node1 is fixed while layout1 runs
        // and node2 is fixed while layout2 runs
        IlvMultipleLayoutReport layoutReport =
                                                        true, true, true);
catch (IlvGraphLayoutException e) {