Accessing all sublayouts

When the Recursive Layout is attached, you can conveniently access all layouts that will be used during layout. This works in all layout modes:
Enumeration getLayouts(boolean preOrder) 
As explained in Internal mechanism, the getLayouts method returns an enumeration of instances of IlvGraphLayout . If the preOrder flag is true , the layout of the parent graph occurs before the layout of its child nodes in the enumeration.
If the preorder flag is false , the layout of the parent graph occurs after the layout of its child nodes. For example, in the graph in the following figure, the call getLayouts(true) returns the layouts for the subgraphs in this order: L1, L1.1, L1.1.1, L1.1.2, L1.2; the call getLayouts(false) returns the layouts for the subgraphs in this order: L1.1.1, L1.1.2, L1.1, L1.2, L1.
graph with recursive layouts shown from upper to lower part of the
figure on the left: L1, L1.1, L1.1.1, L1.1.2. Subgraph layout L1.2
is shown on the right.
Nesting structure in a graph
In specified provider mode, the enumeration returned by getLayouts contains the instances that are delivered by the specified provider. If the specified provider returns a different instance in each call of getGraphLayout(IlvGraphModel) , then the enumeration does not contain the instances that are later used during layout. Hence it is recommended to use layout providers that store the layout instances internally and return the same instance for the same graph model. The predefines IlvDefaultLayoutProvider and IlvRecursiveLayoutProvider store the layout instances internally.

Convenience method for setting reference layout mode

The class IlvGraphLayout contains a convenience method. To perform a recursive layout recursively, you can use:
int performLayout(boolean force, boolean redraw, boolean traverse) 
If the traverse flag is true , it traverses the nested graph and performs the layout on each subgraph. This is a shortcut for the reference mode of Recursive Layout. The statement:
flatLayout.performLayout(force, redraw, true);
is equivalent to creating a Recursive Layout in reference mode that uses the flatLayout as reference layout:
IlvRecursiveLayout recursiveLayout = new IlvRecursiveLayout(flatLayout);
recursiveLayout.performLayout(force, redraw);