Internal provider mode

Use this mode if you want to perform graph layout on a nested graph and either you need individual global layout parameters for specific subgraphs or you want to lay out different subgraphs with different styles. In this case, there is no reference layout. You allocate the Recursive Layout by calling the constructor with no arguments:
Before you can perform a layout, you need to specify which layout is used for which subgraph. First, you should attach the Recursive Layout to a graph. Then, to specify the layout of the top-level graph, call:
recursiveLayout.setLayout(null, sublayout);
To specify the layout of a specific subgraph, call
recursiveLayout.setLayout(subgraph, sublayout);
It is important that you assign a different layout instance for each subgraph. You cannot share the same layout instance among different subgraphs. You should allocate a new, fresh layout instance for each subgraph. If you pass null as sublayout, then no layout is performed for this particular subgraph.
To set the layout for a subgraph and recursively for all its subgraphs, you can use:
setLayout(Object subgraph, IlvGraphLayout layout, boolean traverse) 
and pass the true argument for the traverse flag. This sets the layouts to a clone of the input layout for each subgraph starting at the input subgraph.
Internally, the Recursive Layout uses a layout provider of type IlvRecursiveLayoutProvider . You can access the current layout provider by:
IlvLayoutProvider getLayoutProvider() 
In internal provider mode, it is mostly not necessary to manipulate the layout provider directly.
Because there is no reference layout, global layout parameters are independent for each subgraph. Global and local layout parameters can be set by accessing the particular layout instance that is assigned to a specific subgraph.
After you attach the Recursive Layout to the top-level grapher or graph model, you can retrieve the layout instance of a specific subgraph by:
IlvGraphLayout getLayout(Object subgraph) 
If you pass null as subgraph, you get the layout instance of the top-level graph.
The layout instances of the subgraphs used during recursive layout remain attached to the subgraphs (or the graph models of the subgraphs, respectively) as long as the Recursive Layout itself is attached. When you detach the Recursive Layout, all layouts of subgraphs are automatically detached as well.