Spacing parameters in long link layout

The long link mode places the links on a grid. Four parameters control the grid offsets and five parameters control the spacing of links in relation to other objects. Figure Spacing parameters for long link layout shows the spacing parameters used in the long link mode.
showing the use of spacing parameters in long link mode
Spacing parameters for long link layout

Grid offset parameters

The grid offset parameters control the spacing between grid lines. Links are routed such that the center of the orthogonal link segments is on the grid lines. The grid offsets must be set to a value larger than the largest link width value to avoid links that visually overlap.
Example of specifying grid offset parameters (Link Layout algorithm)
To set the horizontal and vertical grid offset:
Add these statements to the LinkLayout section:
horizontalGridOffset : "5.0";
verticalGridOffset : "5.0";
In Java
Use the methods:
void setHorizontalGridOffset(float offset);    
void setVerticalGridOffset(float offset);    
The grid offset is the critical parameter for the long link mode. If the grid offset is too large, there might be no grid lines between nodes even though some free space exists between the nodes. In this case, the link routings cannot use the free space. However, if the grid offset is too small, the algorithm needs a long time to traverse the grid.

Grid base parameters

Sometimes it is necessary to shift the whole grid by a small amount because the nodes are not aligned on the grid. For example, to have grid lines at positions 3, 13, 23, 33, and so on, you can set the grid offset to 10 and the grid base to 3.
Example of specifying grid base parameters (Link Layout algorithm)
To adjust the grid base:
Add these statements to the LinkLayout section:
horizontalGridBase : "3.0"; 
verticalGridBase : "3.0";
In Java
Use the methods:
void setHorizontalGridBase(float coordinate);   
void setVerticalGridBase(float coordinate);   

Minimum distance parameters

The minimum distance controls how closely a link can be placed to the border of a node that needs to be bypassed. If the node border is not aligned to the grid, the minimum distance specifies the next grid line close to the border that can be used. For instance, if a node covers the x-coordinates 25 - 65 on a grid with offset 10 and base 0, the next grid lines used to bypass the node would normally be at 20 and 70. If you specify a minimum distance of 8, these grid lines are too close to the node and then the grid lines at 10 and 80 would be used.
Example of specifying minimum distance parameters (Link Layout algorithm)
To set the minimum distance:
Add these statements to the LinkLayout section:
horizontalMinOffset : "10.25"; 
verticalMinOffset : "10.25";
In Java
Use the methods:
void setHorizontalMinOffset(float offset);    
void setVerticalMinOffset(float offset);    

Minimum node corner offset parameter

The minimum corner offset is the minimum distance between a node corner and a link that connects to the node. This parameter is used to avoid having a link that connects exactly to the corner or outside the border of the node (see Minimum corner offset).
Example of specifying minimum node corner offset parameter (Link Layout algorithm)
To set the minimum corner offset:
Add to the LinkLayout section:
minNodeCornerOffset : "5.2"; 
In Java
Use the method:
void setMinNodeCornerOffset(float offset);   
illustrating the minimum corner offset parameter
Minimum corner offset

Minimum final segment length

As with the short link mode, the long link mode respects the minimum value for the length of the final connecting segments of the links.
Example of specifying minimum final segment length (Link Layout algorithm)
To set the minimum length of the final segment:
Add to the LinkLayout section:
minFinalSegmentLength : "15.0"; 
In Java
Use the method:
void setMinFinalSegmentLength(float length)