For experts: additional tips for the TL

The tips and trick are relevant when accessing the layout instance directly in Java.
Most of the tips cannot be used when specifying CSS alone.

Specifying east-west neighbors

You can specify that two unrelated nodes must be direct neighbors in a direction perpendicular to the flow direction. In the level and radial layout modes, the nodes are placed in the same level next to each other. In the free layout and tip-over modes, the nodes are placed aligned at the north border. Such nodes are called east-west neighbors because one node is placed as the direct neighbor on the east side of the other node. The other node becomes the direct neighbor on the west side of the first node. (See also Using compass directions for positional layout parameters (TL)).
Technically, the nodes are treated as parent and child, even if there is no link between them. Therefore, one of the two nodes can have a real parent, but the other node must not because its virtual parent is its east-west neighbor.
The east-west neighbor feature can be used, for example, for annotating nodes in a typed syntax tree occurring in compiler construction. Annotated syntax tree of statement a[25] = b[24] + 0.5; shows an example of such a tree.
of tree layout illustrating the east west neighboring parameter
Annotated syntax tree of statement a[25] = b[24] + 0.5;
In Java
To specify that two nodes are east-west neighbors, use the method:
void setEastWestNeighboring(Object eastNode, Object westNode);   
You can also use the following method, which is identical except for the reversed parameter order:
void setWestEastNeighboring(Object westNode, Object eastNode);   
If the flow direction is to the bottom, the latter method might be easier to remember because, in this case, west is to the left of east in the layout, which is similar to the text flow of the parameters.
To obtain the node that is the east or west neighbor of a node, use the calls:
Object getEastNeighbor(Object node);   
Object getWestNeighbor(Object node);   
Each node can have at most one east neighbor and one west neighbor because they are direct neighbors. If more than one direct neighbor is specified, it is partially ignored. Cyclic specifications can cause conflict as well. For instance, if node B is the east neighbor of node A and node C is the east neighbor of B, then node A cannot be the east neighbor of C. (Strictly speaking, such cycles could be technically possible in some situations in the radial layout mode, but nonetheless they are not allowed in any layout mode.)
If B is the east neighbor of A, then A is automatically the west neighbor of B. The east neighbor of A can itself have another east neighbor. You can thus create chains of east-west neighbors, which is a common way to visualize lists of trees. Two examples are shown in figure Chains of east-west neighbors to visualize lists of trees.
of tree layouts illustrating chains of east west neighborings
Chains of east-west neighbors to visualize lists of trees

Retrieving link categories

The Tree Layout algorithm works on a spanning tree, as mentioned in a The TL algorithm. If the graph to be laid out is not a pure tree, the algorithm ignores some links. To treat such links in a special way, you can obtain a list of nontree links.
Because there are parents and child nodes in the spanning tree, the following link categories must be distinguished:
  • A forward tree link is a link from a parent to its child.
  • A backward tree link is a link from a child to its parent. If the link is drawn as a directed arrow, the arrow points in the opposite direction to the flow direction.
  • A nontree link is a link between two unrelated nodes; neither one is a child of the other.
illustrating the different link categories
Link categories
The layout algorithm uses these link categories internally but does not store them permanently to save time and ensure memory efficiency. If you want to treat some link categories in a special way (for example, to call the Link Layout on the nontree links), you must specify before the layout that you want to access the link categories after the layout.
In Java
To do so, use the method setCategorizingLinks in the following way:
// now perform a layout
// now you can access the link categories
After the layout, the link categories can be obtained by the methods:
The link category data gets filled each time the layout is called, unless you set the method setCategorizingLinks back to false .

Sequences of layouts with incremental changes

You can work with trees that have become out-of-date, for example, the trees that need to be extended with more child nodes. If you perform a layout after an extension, you probably want to identify the parts that had already been laid out in the original graph. The Tree Layout algorithm supports these incremental changes in incremental mode because it takes the previous positions of the nodes into account. It preserves the relative order of the child nodes in the subsequent layout.
In nonincremental mode, the Tree Layout algorithm calculates the order of the child nodes from the node order given by the attached graph model (or grapher).
In this case, the layout is independent from the positions of the nodes before the layout. It does not preserve the relative order of the child nodes in subsequent layouts.
Incremental mode is enabled by default.
To disable incremental mode:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
incrementalMode: "false";
In Java
layout.setIncrementalMode (false); 

Interactive editing

The fact that the relative order of the layout is preserved is useful during interactive editing. It allows you to correct the layout easily. For instance, if the first layout places a node A left to its sibling node B but you need to reverse the order, you can simply move node A to the right of node B and start a new layout to clean up the drawing. In the second layout, A remains to the right of B, and the subtree of A “follows” node A.
pictures showing the effect of moving a node and then redoing the
Interactive editing to achieve a specific order of child nodes

Specifying the order of child nodes

Some applications require a specific relative order of the child nodes in the tree. This means that, for instance, when the flow direction is to the bottom, which child must be placed to the left of another child.
It can be achieved in non-incremental mode by specifying a node comparator as follows:
layout.setNodeComparator(new Comparator() {
    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
        ... // compare two nodes
The comparator specifies the order as defined in the following table. For regular alignment, it results in increasing coordinates for the children. For tip-over alignment, it results in increasing distance from the parent. For balloon and radial modes, it results in clockwise orderings.
Layout Mode Alignment Flow Direction Order
Free, Level, Tip-over no tip-over Bottom left to right
Top left to right
Left top to bottom
Right top to bottom
Free, Level, Tip-over tip-over Bottom top to bottom
Top bottom to top
Left right to left
Right left to right
Radial, Balloon any any clockwise