General information about the TL

TL samples

The following sample drawings are produced with the Tree Layout.
graph with Tree layout in free layout mode with center alignment and
flow direction left to right
Tree layout in free layout mode with center alignment and flow direction to the right
graph with Tree layout with flow direction top to bottom, orthogonal
link style, and tip-over alignment at some leaf nodes
Tree layout with flow direction to the bottom, orthogonal link style, and tip-over alignment at some leaf nodes
graph with Tree layout in radial layout mode with aspect ratio 1.5
Tree layout in radial layout mode with aspect ratio 1.5

What types of graphs suit the TL?

  • Primarily designed for pure trees. It can also be used for non-trees, that is, for cyclic graphs. In this case, the algorithm computes and uses a spanning tree of the graph, ignoring all links that do not belong to the spanning tree.
  • Directed and undirected trees. If the links are directed, the algorithm automatically chooses the canonical root node. If the links are undirected, you can choose a root node.
  • Connected graphs and disconnected graphs. If the graph is not connected, the layout algorithm treats each connected component separately. Each component has exactly one root node. In this case, a forest of trees is laid out.

Application domains for the TL

Application domains for the Tree Layout include:
  • Business processing (organizational charts)
  • Software management/software (re-)engineering (UML diagrams, call graphs)
  • Database and knowledge engineering (decision trees)
  • The World Wide Web (website maps)