General information about the ULEL

ULEL samples

These samples show the use of the Uniform Length Edges layout (class IlvUniformLengthEdgesLayout from the package ilog.views.graphlayout.uniformlengthedges).
The following sample drawings are produced with the Uniform Length Edges Layout (ULEL).
cyclic graph drawing produced with this layout algorithm
Small cyclic graph drawing produced with Uniform Length Edges Layout
graph drawing (combination of cycles and trees) produced with this
layout algorithm
Medium graph drawing (combination of cycles and trees) produced with the Uniform Length Edges Layout
graph drawing (combination of cycles and trees) produced with this
layout algorithm
Large graph drawing (combination of cycles and trees) produced with the Uniform Length Edges Layout
graph drawing (Sierpinski Triangle) produced with this layout algorithm
in fast multilevel layout mode
Large graph drawing (Sierpinski Triangle) produced with the Uniform Length Edges Layout in fast multilevel layout mode

What types of graphs suit the ULEL?

Application domains for ULEL

Application domains for Uniform Length Edges include:
  • Telecoms and networking (WAN diagrams)
  • Software management/software (re-)engineering (call graphs)
  • CASE tools (dependency diagrams)
  • Database and knowledge engineering (such as semantic networks, database query graphs, qualitative reasoning, and other artificial intelligence diagrams)
  • World Wide Web (Web hyperlink neighborhood)